Hi guys

So I have finished the first edit! You probably heard me screaming with joy in Australia, now is on with the difficult task finishing the book. Where exactly do you finish a book? I am finding this difficult at the moment, anyone who could shed some light on it, I would be forever grateful!
  The struggle could be that there is a book 2 and I have that fully written in my little head, originally you see Can't Catch tomorrow was going to be about a million pages long. Then I woke up in the real world and decided to split the books. So now is the debate how to end the first one. I might crash it out with my proof reader see where the ending should be, and if in fact I can include something that seem outlawed by most book publishers. Such a difficult task! But onwards and upwards, have a world day of writing ahead of me tomorrow, so stick by me and I will keep you posted!

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